Friday, October 2, 2009

My ass is heating up!!

Global warming is killing me!! It's soo blady hot in the afternoon even in my naps I sweat like shit and my nice smelling pillow will turn all sweaty and more mosquitos annoy me!! So i used my blanky to cover my whole body so no mosquitos can attack me accept my face but when they hit my face my hands will automatically slap my face so it's okay!! I'm trying to be nice to PROTECT AND PRESERVE the environment cause my babe is some environment freak as well, it's not like most malaysian cares. I bet rempits never heard of global warming and the machas will find the parang and chop people who mentions global warming. I WANT IT TO RAIN OR ALL BREEZY DAY, i don't wanna walk around in my boxers day and night!!

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