Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chinese New Year!!

I will now update my blog to please my loyal readers:D To those who never been to Hong Kong it's a really nice place to be, The people are friendly referring to the Hong Kong Roteractors but people in those small cafes are rude like shit, talk about customer service. For the first time in my life i was actually rushing to order food -.- but hey the food is good:D
Speaking about food there's a few images I would like to show which would stir your tummies into HUNGER!!So Hong Kong food anyone? I think if i lived there I'll be bigger than doraemon:P

First day was Tsim Sha Tsui:D
WOOT WOOT!!Beautiful compared to Malaysia we are so downgraded.:DThis is Ben the Hong Kong Roteract president.

The next day we went to the Hong Kong rehab centre and I had to sing a Malay song which the Hong Kong people are so fond about it:) Thank god we would have gone there empty handed.Super Tall guy!! You're my idol!!
Mongkok, from the image you can tell how congested everywhere was. It was so crowded people crossing here and there. Really Crowded!!
Woot Woot:PFunny!!
Conclusion: Hong Kong is a must!!

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