Tuesday, April 29, 2008

To give in or not?

Everybody wants a special person in their life, at my age?16? a relationship?. When I was a kid I told my momma, I want a Beautiful wife, who cares for me, Love me, Sacrifice for me and stuff, She told me you must finish your rice first and make sure the plate is clean if not your wife won't be what you dream about. I'm just saying you must be 100% sure that you want her, you want to be with her, you want everything about her and you know that you are willing to give in. I was inlove and it came back to me once again, sometimes it gets to you once you seen your spouse true colour but it's love that makes you to not care about how she looks, how she acts, how she talk to you and how she treats you. My dad really showed me truelove for his wife how he actually can stand my mom in and out. Seriously, I think my mom is crazy bossy. I seriously hate bossy bitches but from my dad's view I think he gave his 100% to my mom and she doesn't appreciate her man. It's the matter of giving in or not, being in a relationship is fun and sucky but it's love that makes you go through the rough path. I have my bad sides and my good and she has her bad and her good. Giving in is what you call a relationship, Not, is just another game of love played by us teenagers. Paul Levine you deserve someone better if you lost a person you loved you'll get back something way better from the past.

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