School is always the factor for teenage break ups, well one of the factor I say. I'm sure after exam couples will feel the gap between one and another and they will find time to fill the gap with what they missed. Nothing is more fulfilling then getting the feeling of holding each other hands, hug and locking lips once again. Well for the unlucky some, things fall apart. Let say some couple can't pick up where they left due to exams killer stress or maybe they were bored of each other already. Love is simple, give in or not? Choose. You don't your out. Breaking off a few weeks after exam because they can't cope to the abnormal enviroment together shows how pathetic their relationship are. If you can't take that, how do you plan on having a family. Plan the work but do they know how to work the plan? We see couples everyday, happy? sad? they have secrets beneath their mask. Exams killed, murdered and cracked me. Where do i stand? I think I stand with the lively couples. 2 weeks of exams. Well make it one month. Of preparing and sitting for it. Not seeing each other for one month, well seeing each other one week once. Not smsing sometimes. Busy with studies. It always came to my mind the last time I actually had a proper conversation. Looking at each other, gazing into the eyes where we just talk till the sun sets. Holding her hands, a faithful kiss. It all just rewind into time when that moment happen and now your having a book infront of you. Your competing with knowledge, time and love. But after seeing her again, you will want to pick up the missing pieces where you left and make it better. Everything was perfect till disaster. I miss her everyday, every minute, every second. Missing you can be a nice word to say and it can be an emotional blow. I like her smile, her big smile like mine, her gigi besar :) I miss her voice, her pukulan HaHa!!, her fast talking, her stupid yet funny stuff she does to make me laugh. I miss all of it and I want it to return. I think every couples would be thinking and doing the same. We just have to find our ways to do so. I love and crave for her heart all the time. Going facebook looking for any new pictures of her, hehe stalkerish. A guy would do crazy things to get what he wants. I hope she would do the same.