Saturday, November 1, 2008

Canon Sucks!!

I got up at 5.30am For this Canon Marathon Thing and I got home around like 10pm unsatisfied. Stupid Judges with stupid pictures. The pictures they chose doesn't even relate to the theme given, this shows that Canon can't even present a good image for themselves which is such a disgrace when other country get to see the pictures of the winners. If I didn't win it's fine but losing to some crappy pictures what the hell!!First theme: Indulging Metropolitan. My picSecond Theme: Mess In Rules. My picThird Theme: Goes Green. My pic
Check Canon Website to see their winning picture!!


rbbrmlk said...

then its the judges not canon.
why can't you stop making fun of the brand , its not the camera ITS THE USER. if tak terrer then pakai nikon pun gambar buruk la. and most of the competitions in Malaysia all damn biased la. Check out ALL OF THE PHOTOGRAPHY competition before you say anything kid =)

Levine said...

I believe that Kakit has the right to express his feelings this way. Well i do agree that CANON actually sucks...well just Canon Malaysia to be exact. The photos from the photo marathon at Vietnam,Thailand and Singapore looks OK. Related to the theme. But in Malaysia, the judges...My god. I think they fit to judge for a primary school photography competition and not something big like this Canon Photo Marathon. I blame Canon because Canon invited them, the judges to judge the pictures. I think the judges should really explain WHY they choose pictures like that. Then only people MIGHT understand what type of pictures they are looking for next creativity type of pictures... off composition... u know, Close eye punya shot they like maybe. Viewfinderless shots. EVERYONE left after they announce the grand prize winner. Why? Those who went for it, ask urself why. We all have the same reason. Canon wanna make something big, then make it good. Because if you screw up, u will screw up big time. Gambar yang dipilih and how they organise the even amat memalukan...reputasi Canon...goes down again. Dah la very slow, no dont, please dont blame the amount of pictures the judges need to view or look at... they just buat kerja secara tidak professional. Canon, delaying you always.