Sunday, November 4, 2007


Everybody has their own ego within, I mean EVERYBODY it's just the matter of size, People I know categorized my ego as OMG BIG.Reasons:Unknown!:P. Recently, i went to wikipedia to do some research on ego since i'm so free, So why not?. I found loads of interesting stuff on ego. From what I discovered about ego, it's an emotion that drives a person to be over-proud of himself due to overdose of compliment from many people. Having alot of ego have benefits and of course unbeneficial stuff=(Unbeneficial)People will start bitching about you and(Benefits) you get popular due to the bitching. Teenagers these days have many kind of ways to boost their ego.

1: Kakit:Hey Malek!
Kakit:Dude, practically I know more girls than you!
This is 1 of the many ways to boost your male ego:Knowing more girls!

2: Kakit:Hey Amelia!
Kakit:My photography skills are so much more better than yours.
Amelia:Say whatever you want!
This is 1 of the many ways to boost your ego:Perfecting your talent!

3: Kakit:Your so funny la Reshmin
Reshmin:Like Duh!!
This is 1 of the many ways to boost your ego: No Comment!

*Dialogs above are not true and made from the successor of this blog*

Took a few pictures about ego from google.
For example:

1.Look here! ego is actually a part of the human mind.Cool huh, didn't knew that.

2.Remember this dude from cartoon network!. Yep he is Johnny Bravo, the dumb big Ego headed guy.

3.I didn't know ego had a blog??

4.Based on kenny sia's blog, Men need will die if girls don't feed our ego. Please don't feed my ego woot!! this will never happen in mankind, Never!!. Well stephi always feed my ego with nice words and I enjoy pumping it into my ego lol.

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